
Innovation in removing corrosive salts from structures

Desalination of structures can be required due to a number of issues, such as a basement flooding with seawater.

However the ingress occurs, effective salt extraction is a key priority to protect structures from depredation of concrete and reinforcement.

As some solutions, such as cathodic protection, require invasive intervention, a non-invasive and effective solution for desalination is highly desirable.

This is where utilising Cocoon, a salt extracting poultice, can provide greatly simplified intervention. In the correct applications, Cocoon can reduce salt levels below the universally accepted 0.2%, with what is effectively a surface process.

Due to the efficiency of salt extraction and comparative ease of application, this provides the opportunity for significant savings in the desalination of affected areas.

How A Salt Extraction Poultice Works

Just as salt can penetrate a structure with the assistance of water, an effective poultice can use the reverse process to facilitate extraction.

Once applied to the surface, the Cocoon poultice acts as a filter as salts are once again made waterborne by the moisture present in the product. During the natural drying process of the exposed poultice (minimum 2 weeks), salts in the structure are drawn to the surface and absorbed into the poultice.

At this point, the poultice is removed from the surface and discarded, and new samplings taken from the structure to determine if a further treatment is required to bring the concrete back to acceptable salt content levels.

Total remediation time for Cocoon is often 4-6 weeks.

To assess the suitability of Cocoon to cater for your salt extraction requirements, contact our team using the form below.


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